
Topic: "Condi for President" (3)
A few short months ago, Frodo supped with the Men of Gondor and the invariable, if not undesirable, subject of politics was raised. With no hesitation the loudest, and also the youngest, spoke in glowing fashion about the person he felt would gain the most from the current political inertia, and thus become the first female President of the United States. Frodo gagged at the thought of the person he most likens to a fictional creation by authoress Anne Rice. Frodo's eyes met that of another Hobbit who likewise cringed at the possibility of another political leader without, well, let us simply leave the sentence complete at the point of the word "without." Without reflecting too deeply on the quicksand upon which political fortunes rise and fall, Frodo takes keyboard in hand, and reflects upon the women behind, and, once again, perhaps the sentence ends best with a word like "behind."
Harriet Miers, Karen Hughes, and Condi Rice are names which will soon slip somewhere between infamy and ignominy. It is interesting to note that each was, at some point, a harbinger of the continuing disaster that some have identified with the misnomer of leadership. Miers was nominated to fill the Supreme Court Seat later filled by Alioto, however even the Republican Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee made it eminently clear that they were not in a mode to "trust" the nomination. Hughes was called back to the White House, after retiring to family needs in Texas, in order to develop a public relations program that enhanced the role of the United States as a beacon of freedom, rather than an occupying monster. Hughes, it is noted, is returning again to Texas. Beacons of Freedom, it seems, are in short supply to most observers these days.
Oh, but Frodo's favorite is the obviously book-smart, erudite, and well-dressed graduate of public schools in Alabama. National Security Advisor before and during the attacks on September 11th, whose responsibilities by title belay a certain responsibility found herself immunized from any criticism whatsoever. In fact, once the re-election of the Incomparable Moron was assured, she was promoted. Since that point-in-time, she has failed to achieve anything that did not involve retail buying power on Rodeo Drive, the Champs d'Elysses, or Fifth Avenue. Even a windbag like Donald Trump was disposed to note that she has accomplished nil because of her inability to "close" on any opportunity.
All of this assistance has done very little to provide the Incomparable Moron with the "legacy" he apparently deeply desires. Obviously, these gender giants are not totally to blame for the failures of these mind-numbing years, but they have each been major contributors, and none have received the level of criticism that they so justifiably have earned. Frodo's purpose in these words, dear reader, is to stand and point his finger at each one of these miscreants, as he will to others in days to come, and simply say "Hasta la Vista, Baby."
One year until Election Day.