Mood: on fire
Topic: "What Would Mitt Do?"(3)
This evening, much is discussed about values and candidates for political office. Polls reflect that more potential voters accept the idea of either a female, or a black, candidate for the Presidency than do those who would accept a parishoner of the Church of Latter-Day Saints. In response, Mitt Romney, a practicing Mormon, rose to define the parameters of his personal faith and to establish his credibility as a candidate. His speech was part Samuel Adams, part John Kennedy, part Jimmy Carter, and despite its elegance and its sincerity, Frodo walked away whistling the words to the Beatles tune noted above. Read on, dear reader, and ask yourself if all those "words" answered the question shown in our topic for this evening.
In addition, today, the Administration of the Incomparable Moron announced a plan to address the record number of residential foreclosures currently taking place all across Middle Earth. When all is said and done, the proposals offer the greatest benefit to new purchasers of residences in Michigan, Florida, California, and each of the seven largest electoral vote states in America. Frodo offers that this could, indeed, could, be mere coincidence. Frodo also believes that pigs may fly.
Now comes the coup de grace. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the letting of $31 Million in contracts to demolish 4500 public housing units in the City of Orleans starting within the next week. Remember Katrina? Remember all those people in the Ninth Ward who lived in rental homes and apartments? Remember all those people living in FEMA trailers? Well, your friends in Washington don't seem to have much of a memory. These policy makers have taken the position that homeowners are apparently the only class of residents deserving of aid, for many of the programs for homeowners are working well. Renters however, who represent almost half of all the households in the City of Orleans, have been left to fend for themselves. In fact, HUD Secretary Orlando J. Cabrera (wasn't he just traded to the Detroit Tigers?) offered nothing in his Senate testimony as to any thought about repairing the 112,000 rental units damaged or seriously destroyed throughout the Gulf Coast region. The units being demolished will be replaced, over a period of years, by mixed-income developments that will house a mere fraction of those dependent on rental housing.
Today in the City of Orleans, thousands of jobs on the lower end of the wage scale go begging, simply because the available housing is priced beyond the means of those willing to work, and no more housing is even on the horizon of availability. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (we all remember 'Brownie', don't we?) announced last week that it will evict hundreds of tenants from emergency trailer parks over the next six months, reardless of the availability of housing.
A tent city in the park next to City Hall reminds Frodo of a time when a "Poor People's Campaign" occupied the Mall in Washington, D.C. But this is not a demonstration, it is a fact of life, in the richest country on our small, blue, planet. The Administration of the Incomparable Moron cannot even address the issue of what we are going to do, two weeks before Christmas, to provide housing for the poorest of the poor.
So, dear reader, wouldn't it have been "Christian" for Mitt to tell us what he would do to provide for those whom Jesus loved above all others? Instead he gives us "words."
Frodo has several words for Mitt, and for everybody else who has forgotten about all those poor people that nobody even thought existed in this, the richest country, on our small, blue, planet. Your words don't mean dick. For the true love of God, do something!
Frodo appreciates Mr. James S. Russell of Bloomberg for bringing the continuing debacle of leadership to his attention.