
Topic: "Man's Best Friend?"
The Governor of the State of Georgia is Sonny Perdue. He is the first Republican elected to that position in over 132 years. Governor Perdue was formerly a Democrat. Governor Perdue was probably separated at birth from his identical twin, "Curly" of the Three Stooges.
Governor Perdue was a veterinarian in private life. Frodo has always liked and admired veterinarians.
Governor Perdue recently performed an operation to neuter a male dog that was half-Shepherd and half-Rottweiler. The purpose of the 45-minute operation, supposedly, was to publicize the need for all pet owners to have their pets spayed or neutered. A noble purpose, or so it seems.
Frodo could not help but note that the Governor kept referring to the patient as a Democrat. I suppose we should all be more than just a little wary of politicians making decisions about the way we live our lives, or end them.
One of our esteemed Congressional Representatives, Phil Gingrey, who is a physician, was formerly a State Senator (Frodo's State Senator to be precise). When he cast his vote to maintain the State Flag with the Cross of St. Andrews on prominent display, Frodo contacted him. Frodo stated that such a position was hurtful to anyone wanting to relocate a business to Georgia, and therefore hurtful to the State. He agreed with me, but told me he voted the way he did because it was "what a majority of the voters in my district want." I told him he was a disappointment.
Today, the same guy votes against "what a majority of the voters in my district want." He votes against 61% of that population to pursue this family issue thing in Florida. I suppose he developed a conscience because Frodo called him a disappointment.
Frodo regrets that Gingrey is not half-Shepherd and half-Rottweiler.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:32 PM EST
Updated: Monday, March 21, 2005 8:57 PM EST