
Topic: "Film at 11"
Twenty-four years ago tonight, Roger Mudd got stewed to the gills. The long battle to succeed Walter Cronkite had been decided in favor of the other guy. Frodo saw Roger hosting a show on The History Channel just a few weeks ago. He looks just the same. Same suit, same tie, same hair-do, same nasal resonance. The pecker hasn't aged a day.
Dan, on the other hand, looks like a banker. Somebody helps him on and off with his coat, his pupils are constantly fully dilated, his dark hair looks like it was trimmed with a lawnmower. I'd swear he is on leave from the "Shady Acres Rest Home." Tonight, I'll bet, Dan Rather got stewed to the gills.
Uncle Walter was on the poop deck of his sailboat when Roger got smashed. Tonight, he popped the cork on that champagne he'd hidden in the refrigerator twenty-four years ago.
Frodo used the remote control to switch the channel to Peter Jennings. And that's the way it was.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:36 PM EST