
Topic: "Joshua Generation" (3)
Frodo probably never exactly understood the reference, until today. Some journeys are not to be completed by all those who set out on the path, and the really difficult thing is to achieve objectives even when the leaders change. Martin Luther King was not prescient, he was simply communicating the fact that the goals would cross generational lines. As Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) said in Selma today, Moses was told that he would not live to get to the Promised Land, and he had to tell the Generation Of Joshua, who followed him, that they would realize God's promise without him.
How then, thought Frodo, do I deal with the issue of the Ring? I carry its' burden, and have covered many miles, enduring great danger and overcoming many evils, with the premise that all rests on my shoulders? The Fellowship has accompanied me, but even they knew that the task was mine, alone.
Obama said that he stands on the shoulders of the Moses Generation. Frodo was initially drawn to the words of Obama because he wrote that it was time for the passing to a generation not rooted in the trials of our past. He said that it was time for Frodo to recognize that he may not get to the Promised Land, but that he had to have faith that others would get there because of his struggles. There was no implication that Frodo should cease the climb up Mount Doom, or to shy away from the final struggle with Gollum. Simply put, Frodo had to understand that at some point he would not lead, he would follow.
Frodo is impressed because the issues placed before him are not couched in vengeance or lack of regard for ones' opponents. The challenge is to achieve great goals based on the faith and the nobility of the people who are responsible. All of us are responsible, and none of us are immune.
For so many years, we have chosen "the lesser of two evils." At least, dear reader, that is what everyone says to Frodo about elections. As if, he supposes, that is justification for the acceptance of compromise, ineptitude, and lack of responsibility. Frodo cannot remember when last he actually wondered "What if?" That is, until today.