
Topic: "SAWB" (3)
Mr. Eugene Robinson wrote an Op-Ed in today's WASHINGTON POST which he entitled "Standing in the School House Door." For those, dear reader, old enough to remember, Governor George Wallace of Alabama stood in the doorway and faced Attorney General Nicholas deKatzenbach (what a wonderful time it was, to have an Attorney General of whom one could be proud), attempting to block the entrance of Negroes into the University of Alabama. Brothers Robert and Jack Kennedy did not have cell phones, so their communication amidst the presence of National Guard troops, and people of assorted opinions was critical and it was profound. From that moment forward, it was clear that the Federal Government was going to assert its obligation to all its citizens, as so interpreted by the judiciary. Mr. Robinson's concise commentary reflected upon the fact that what happens now will be despite the presence of the judiciary, rather than as a result.
Andrew Young, once the Mayor of Atlanta, once the US Ambassador to the United Nations, an ordained minister still, amongst many other positions of impact and honor, is a Democrat. Almost an eternity ago, when Walter Mondale ran, unsuccessfully, for the Presidency, Mr. Young , not atypically, voiced his frustration at the ill-fated Mondale campaign, and referred to the hapless group as "smart-ass white boys." Unsurprisingly, developed there overnight many a tee shirt and coffee cup with the acronym "SAWB" thereupon.
Frodo's point in recall of these two historical events commingled with the current spate of judicial guidance is to illustrate how little we either know or comprehend about the gains in human rights in our own country in just the past generation. With sheer audacity of purpose, it is therefore uncommon to hear any SAWB speak favorably of "affirmative action," or "racial balance." The term is "reverse discrimination," and it is reflected in the words of Chief Justice Roberts in his majority opinion which eliminates "race" as the factor used to establish student population diversity. Frodo may, indeed, be both a Hobbit and a SAWB, but he believes very strongly that racial prejudice is quite prevalent, and it is much more pervasive than most will admit.
George W. Bush, to even his staunchest supporter, is recognized as a much lesser mind than most. His inability to communicate, as well as his lack of knowledge on basic issues is obvious. George W. Bush, a borderline student at best, attended two of the most prestigious universities in all of Middle Earth. He won admission not because of his grades, or his test scores, or his good works; rather, he won admission as a "legacy." His family fortune, their contributions to both Harvard and Yale, and the attendance of his familial ancestors gave him favored status. George W. Bush took positions which might have otherwise been won by a woman, a "Negro," or even a "Latino." In that sense, George W. Bush "stood in the schoolhouse door," and he thereby helped maintain the white, male dominance of power in society.
Although no one calls it admission by race, that is what it is, de facto. Chief Justice Roberts probably knows that. His awareness thereof is what either makes him a fool, or a liar. Perhaps both.