
Topic: "Hobbits And a Truck"(4)
"Hold it right there. Can I help you?"
"Sure General. How're you? We're the movers."
"The movers? Buddy, this is a pick-up truck? I suppose you have some identification and documentation?"
"Raht cheer General. We're 'Hobbits And a Truck,' no job too big or too small."
"Hmm. Wait right there while I check on this."
"Sure thing General. And while you're at it, would you check and see if they're prepared to pay cash?"
"You expect to be paid in cash?"
"That's the deal General, plus ain't you seen what's goin' on? Man, no one can take a check on any bank and feel good about it."
"Hah. You're right on that one."
"Now don't take too long, we'd like to get on the road to Texas fore dark."
"Charlie, you're not gonna believe this. These guys ARE the movers."
"Jes what I told ya General. Now listen, y'all boys know of a liquor store around here somewhere? We need to get a few boxes."
"Central Liquor is on 15th, just around the corner from the FBI. You guys need boxes for packing?"
"Sure, that's one way to hold costs down for our customers. What's the story here, this place gettin' foreclosed upon?"
"Well, you might say that."
"This place looks kinda familiar."
"This your first trip to Washington?"
"Never been here before. Jes took this job so's we could come and visit our money."
"That's an old joke."
"We ain't spring chickens ourselves."
"Well, just pull over here to the right, circle around to the back, and the guards there will direct you to the exit right by the elevator. Do not get out of your truck until they tell you to do so. They will screen you through security and search your truck."
"Say what General? Search our truck? Nobody said nothin' bout searchin' no truck. Shoot, there might be an old reefer or somethin' in the bed."
"How did you boys get this job in the first place?"
"Well, Tom Bombadil here worked it out with this ole gal he met up in Alaska."
"We were up there lookin' for work at a turkey processing plant, and Tom was havin' a beer outside this here trailer park, when this ole gal come up ta him and started puttin' moves on him. Well, he told her he wasn't much interested since he was a little short of cash."
"Then what?"
"Well General, she told him she might be able to help him out in that regard. Next thing we know, we're on our way to Washinton to pick up a load of furniture and to take it to Texas."
"That ain't the half of it. Ole Tom here, jes been sittin' and smilin' ever since. Only thing he's said is that from now on we're to address him as 'Joe DaPlummer'."