
Topic: "Ending Sams Patience"(7)
The house in the Shire sits upon a hill. The gardens of the Shire slope downward from the rear, and that which was once known as a "deck" is now a full-fledged Florida Room. Hobbits and their guests sit amid the canopy of the Dogwoods, bare at this time of year.
Sydney is the rarely-discussed avian who makes his home in the Shire. During warmer weather, Sydney sits for hours just inches away from freedom, calling to those who speak languages not totally alien. When Hobbits abound, and it is a tad warmer, Sydney will alight on the shoulder of Sam, and occasionally Frodo, and participate in conversation or eat potato chips which can be partially dispensed to canines beneath.
Such was the setting a few days ago when Sydney, with his back turned to the gardens of the Shire, sat atop the shoulder of Sam noting not that stealth was the weapon of a potential enemy. It rose as a dark shadow, visible from a singular ocular point to Hobbits facing the gardens. The immature Coopers (or Red-Tail, one cannot be too sure) hit the glass-enclosed screens with both talons drawn. Bouncing off, the startled predator struck a second time, leaving a small rip in the screens protecting the glass. At this point he sought a second breath on a limb less than a yard from the hand of Frodo. The Hobbits were agog, and Sydney, the target, never knew how little separated him from an unwilling participation in snack-time at Hawk Haven.
In the days that followed, Sydney has been going through a bit of a personality change. Perhaps it is the fact that Frodo seems to be in the environs more than in the past. It could be that the shortness of the days has disassembled his internal clockings. Then again, it could be the more frequent naps taken by his companion Mick, the Wonder Dog, that causes him to worry about life in the Shire. Whatever, the result is the continuous shriek of a bird that needs the "Bird Whisperer."
Sam has suggested giving Sydney his freedom, knowing full well that "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" (which makes Frodo wonder about what exactly JJ meant)?
Sam has also suggested giving Sydney to some sort of cockatiel rescue group.
Noted amid all of this is the fact that the shrieking is giving Sam pause, and only the assurance is offered that there will be no domesticated avian contingent in the next generation of residents in the Shire. The possibility does exist, given Sam's current state of mind, that Sydney will spend more time in the Florida Room in order to become fully aware of the dangerous path he treads.
Few it is, thinks Frodo, who realize just how damn lucky we be. Be glad Sam is on our side.