
Topic: "The Eyes of Texas"
Stereotypes are hard to justify, but given the public record, Frodo believes that in order to be a resident of the State of Texas, one must be either 1). a fool; or 2). an idiot. State Senator Florence Shapiro (now there's a native for you), a Republican from Plano (an aptly named suburb of Dallas)has announced that the Senate Education Committee will not take action on the House Bill passed May 3rd.
The mundane little announcement is an attempt to derail the somewhat controversial "booty bill." The proposal would have given the state and local school districts greater authority to punish cheerleaders who performed provocative routines during school-sponsored events. When approved in the House, supportive lawmakers waved pompons. It should be noted that the measure also included drill teams and dance squads.
Ah ha, says Frodo, therein lies the key, dancing! The next thing you know, those Baylor-led Wacoites would eliminate Sweet Tea and other habit-forming tools of Satan. "Just look at all the terrible people who have put themselves on public exhibition in dance halls. Ronald Reagan didn't dance at all, even when he played a Catholic at Notre Dame!", said Irma Quisenberry of the Women's Temperance Union.
Frodo is reminded of the effort to come up with a new moniker for the City of Atlanta, currently still known as "The City Too Busy to Hate." How about a National Campaign to label Texas? "Virginia is For Lovers" is an example. To get the ball rolling, how about "Texas, Where the Eighteenth Century Never Ends." Another one might be, "Texas, Bring Your Own Books." Frodo is attracted by "Texas, No Nobel Prize Winners Again This Year."
Come on dear reader, give Frodo your best shot.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 4:06 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, May 15, 2005 8:14 PM EDT