
Topic: "Everyday Miracles"
The grocery check-out line is America's next dinosaur. Scanning your own items will do away with one of our greatest national pastimes--perusing the NATIONAL ENQUIRER while waiting your turn. Frodo particularly enjoys the first person accounts of divine intervention, giving him hope for the political future.
Today Frodo learned that Alfonso Getubig from Cebu City in The Phillipines was thrown overboard in Manila Harbor during a storm in 1994. After an obligatory prayer, Brother Getubig was rescued by two huge sea turtles who rose to the surface and kept him afloat until help arrived.
For this submission Brother Getubig was awarded $200 from the publisher (who was the target of an anthrax attack in the days following 9/11).
Frodo has been searching his memory bank for anything resembling divine intervention at the Shire. The best he could come up with was his dog, Gumbo, who could stand on her front two feet. Maybe, dear reader, you can do better, submit your entry via e-mail to and if you smell pie, look for Michael.