
Topic: "An Admission"
There is a time in all our lives when hormones reign supreme, and for some of us that time is greatly extended. When Frodo first sat down with Geoffrey Chaucer to discuss his characters in "The Canterbury Tales," his hormones were just coming into their own. It is not surprising that the ribald tales of the gap-toothed "Wife of Bath" burst to the forefront of Frodo's imagination.
From that moment forward, Frodo has tested the theory that hormonic activity is enhanced by the presence of a gap between the front teeth of those of the feminine gender.
The empirical evidence has strongly suggested that proper scientific conclusions can be accurately derived therefrom.
Frodo admits that is the very first thought that crosses his mind on many occasions.
Today, someone very observant referred to the Secretary of State as a "gap-toothed neocon-ette."
Inquiring minds want to know.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:28 PM EST