Mood: blue
Topic: "First Learn to Lose"
Frodo has been plagued by failure from his first team in Little League. The "Salona Village All-Stars" finished their first season 0-12. As a pre-teen Frodo's favorite professional baseball team moved to another city, twice. Frodo became an early devotee of Charles Schulz, and it didn't take much for Frodo to see the similarity between himself and the enigmatic Charlie Brown.
Tonight another of Frodo's favorite teams ended its' season on a down note. As inning compounded upon inning, Frodo was aware of an impending sense of doom. Despite the heroics of trying so very hard, there comes upon the participant the sense that the moment is reserved for someone else. Frodo participates in every play, and he could not have done more to cheer on his skillionaire compadres.
There is always resentment. Hatred is reserved for any team from New York or the Dallas Cowboys. The Houston Astros have always been bridesmaids, and Frodo is confident that they will also fall on their way to the precipice of baseball one-upsmanship. Frodo just doesn't like to see Texans celebrating.
College Basketball will be starting soon. Texas basketball teams are made up of players from other parts of the country. The reason for this is that Texas players cannot jump and they tend to trip over their shoelaces. Should Frodo's favorite team fall short of the zenith of the sport, at least it won't be to a bunch of Texans with big mouths and little Willys.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:46 PM EDT