
Topic: "Remembering Jessica" (2)
Frodo's favorite television show of all time was "Soap." Invariably there would be at least one statement in every show which would add to the quality of life. It would either be unbelievably funny, or inexorably useful to Frodo's personal vocabulary. To this day, "El Puerquo" is Frodo's reference to overweight and pompous politicians, e.g. Dick Cheney. No doubt however, Frodo and Sam still laugh over Jessica's response to a discussion of the sexual preference of the Greek philosopher Plato. "Mickey's Mouses' dog is gay?," she queried. Her genuine surprise in the question was Emmy Award performance level.
Frodo was reminded of the discussion when it was announced recently that the scientific community had voted to strip Pluto of its' planethood. The discussion was admittedly confusing, in fact it was almost as nebulous as the far reaches of our solar system itself. It seems that there are a great number of these planetoids or whatever, which seem to be hanging around out there, with no discernible semblance to the scientifically meaurable orbiters of the Sun. No one seemed too terribly concerned that this determination truly has potentially important consequences for the future of our small blue planet.
When Man landed on the Moon, Armstrong & Company carried a plaque, signed by the then President of the US of A, Richard M. Nixon, which was left on the Moon to commemorate that great event. It also bore a solar map indicating that the Earth was the third of NINE planets surrounding the Sun. In addition, the great exploring probe known as Voyager has now departed into the unknown of the greater Milky Way, bearing a recording which also indicates the source of the probe as the third of the NINE planets orbiting the Sun. Has anyone considered that this may be the reason why there has been no verifiable contact between the multitude of inhabited planets and our Earth? We gave them bad directions.
Imagine, dear reader, that somewhere out there, just beyond the view of the Hubble Space Telescope, an alien family sits and tries to figure out why they got lost while out for an afternoon spin. It is probable that the female is blaming the male for failing to stop and ask directions. For Frodo, it is comforting to know that in at least one instance, the fault did lie with the map.