
Topic: "Smirk Jerk" (2)
Chris Wallace and George W. Bush are the primary members of a group that Frodo calls "The Smirks." Unlike either the little blue cartoon characters or the smallish wide receivers of the 1980's vintage Washington Redskins, both known as "Smurfs," the "Smirks" are condescending and arrogant. This morning, Bill Clinton took one of them to the woodshed.
Clinton stated, in no uncertain terms, that his efforts to capture, kill, or otherwise detain Osama bin Laden were far superior to the non-action of the neo-cons whom Mr. Wallace has consistently failed to query regarding their failures in this regard. Without apology, Clinton made it clear that, in his opinion, at least he tried. He added that were he still President, there would be more than 20,000 troops in Afghanistan, as there are now, in pursuit of bin Laden.
There will be some piling on by those who will never accept the former President as anything other than literal moral decay. Frodo however, is in awe of the political wisdom put forth by the former President, and applauds him for opening the dialogue for Democrats to a whole new set of decibels. It is time to speak up, loudly, and to show everyone that the "Smirks" are really the "Jerks." Actually, it is an excellent opportunity to offset the attempt to paint Democrats as "soft" on terrorism. The aggression shown by Mr. Clinton in the interview backed Wallace into a corner, from which he could only escape by recognizing the timeliness of the NIE report which purports that "terrorism" has increased since 9/11, because of the Pre-emptive War. Clinton could then add that the Democrats had several Iraq War Veterans, a former Reagan Administration Navy Secretary, and a former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as candidates in the upcoming elections.
Wallace has announced that next week's guest for his hard-hitting interview will be Labor Secretary Chao. Laughter was heard in the background.