
Topic: "Sabato Knows" (2)
There are two very distinguised academic political analysts in the State of Virginia, and the best known, Dr. Larry Sabato (University of Virginia), has documented that United States Senator George Allen has frequently used the racial epither "Nigger" in conversation. Frodo has never been a fan of George Allen. However, Frodo is naturally concerned when references to past behavior are brought forth as evidentiary material to address the suitability of an adult in a public role. Frodo would like it to be universally recognized that not all great men (or women) have always behaved with maturity and respect for others. Context is the issue in matters of this nature.
George Allen has amended his statements, and has done everything possible to minimize the significance of word and deed. It does not wash, according to Frodo. Who cares if his Mother can trace her lineage into Judaism? Who cares if he collected Western items and displayed them in his office? Who cares if he makes up words to single out individuals in a crowd? The explanations are just as bizarre and unwieldy as the attempts to divert blame to a sibling by a small child. George Allen is no small child.
On a day when the Secretary of State states facts in direct contrast to the words of the "9/11 Commission," while defending the non-performance of the Bush Administration in the months leading up to the attacks, Frodo wonders exactly why the Administration tried so hard to prevent the "9/11 Commission" from ever coming into existence in the first place? Now the Administration, in desperatrion, is de-classifying reports from last April in a bizarre attempt to justify the Pre-emptive War. Allen and Bush, children of privilege, always seem to portray themselves as "regular guys;" guys you can trust when the chips are down. The facts, it seems, are blurring the image desired.
It deserves note that George Allen's voting record in the United States Senate has been measured as supporting President Bush 96% of the time. That is even higher than Saxby "Rubber Stamp" Chambliss of Georgia, who casts votes in favor of and against the same positions. Should you question that assertion, dear reader, Frodo suggests you check Chambliss' voting record in the House on immigration.
Tomorrow night, Katharine Harris, the Republican Candidate for the United States Senate from Florida will appear on "Hardball" with Chris Matthews. Frodo can't wait. If she appears on stage to the accompaniment of the score from "Gypsy," it will be a perfect reflection of the Republican Circus Maximus in all three rings, and only six weeks until the Mid-term Elections.