
Topic: "What is a Shimkus?" (2)
Former Representative Mark Foley (R-FL) is a pedophile. In fact, he is a repeat pedophile. Frodo explains that Foley's repeat status as a pedophile is documented by the investigation of Representative John Shimkus (R-IL) completed almost a full year ago.
It seems that Representative Shimkus was responsible for the internal investigation of allegations of abuse of the "page system" in the House of Representatives. Pages are, of course, young people who serve as "runners" or "gofers" to Members of the House of Representatives. Shimkus had received a referral regarding the alleged behavior of Representative Foley, and had even confronted the sleazebag about many of the charges now in the public purview. According to Representative Shimkus, Representative Foley promised him that he would terminate the relationship of concern, and would not repeat his errors of judgment. Representative Shimkus accepted that and closed the investigation without further action.
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was so concerned about this week's resignation of Representative Foley, once he was confronted with documentary evidence of his pedophilic behavior, that he, Hastert, ordered an investigation of the entire House "page system." Representative Shimkus was selected to head up the investigation.
Despite his life-long interest in politics, Frodo admits that, until today, he had never heard of Representative Shimkus. Frodo is of a mind that the responsibilities of Representative Shimkus are so noteworthy that perhaps the term "Shimkus" should be adopted as a new word in the English Language. "Shimkus" could be listed in the next edition of Funk & Wagnall's thusly: "Shimkus (noun), a partisan ideolgue incapable of either sound judgment or sane conduct; not to be confused with but not dissimilar to the state of being known as incompetency. Synonyms include Bushite, see also Bush, Administration of George W. "