
Topic: "Legs" (3)
In the days of black-and-white TV, there were times when every new show had a theme. There were Cowboy shows, and name likes "Cheyenne," "Yancey Derringer," "The Rebel," and "Gunsmoke" dominated programming for several years. Doctors like "Ben Casey," "Dr. Kildare," and "Marcus Welby, MD" made household names of actors, young and old. Frodo remembers today, for two very good reason, the days that were dominated by the Detectives, like "Peter Gunn."
When the theme music, that of Henry Mancini, signaled the opening credits for the show starring Craig Stevens in the title role, young Frodo was surely aflight into the living area to catch the introduction on the Muntz. In truth, it was the opening itself which had Frodo's imagination agog, and to this day he cannot recall ever watching any of the show itself which followed. Frodo had developed an interest in those legs.
Young actress Mary Tyler Moore sat with her legs crossed amid the television screen. Only those supple and shapely limbs, through which the eye could see the series star framed in an action pose, would ever mark her participation in the series itself. The dancer-turned-actress was noted first for those gams which accelerated her entry into TV and the Comedy shows which would follow the Detectives by some years. Those legs also had a lot to do with the formation of a sensual appreciation for a well-turned ankle by a certain Hobbitt.
The Men of Gondor gathered again this day, to embark on another adventure into a known spot which had never been visited by them before. This time they chose the Studio tour of CNN in Atlanta. Frodo was excited. Although Paula Zahn is far from his favorite source of commentary or presentation of the news, Frodo has always had a deep appreciation, if not a positive admiration, for her legs. They seem to rise from yesterday's beginning, and apparently culminate somewhere in the dreams of tomorrow. The possibility that Frodo could approach in physical proximity to those legs had him, well, wistful might be an appropriate term.
Alas, Ms. Zahn was in New York this day. Although Frodo was disappointed, he did get to see a piece of the Berlin Wall, and to ogle the spot where "H.R. PufnStuf" had been filmed. Sometimes, Frodo supposes, the anticipation is better than the realization anyway. She probably would have had a run in her stocking, and Frodo would have been grossed out.
Sam has been out of town for a week. Can't you tell?
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:34 PM EST