
Topic: "Cult of the Wild"(7)
Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, with more than 10,000 cretins in his pews every Sunday, is an asshole.
Frodo feels relatively secure in this opinion not simply because Jeffress lives in the ugliest city in America. Frodo's fatigue with the megaplex of Dallas itself does not rival his disdain for the entirely artificial geographical collection of cow manure and fossil fuels which is the base for the northernmost territory of Mexico. Texas is the point at which God places the tube when he feels the need to give the world an enema. Frodo now knows that Brother Jeffress is not even allowed to hold the tube, for fear that because he himself is an asshole that God may get confused and insert the tube in Jeffress mouth.
It is the latter fact that partially explains why Brother Jeffress has taken it upon himself to distinguish the faith exhibited by Mitt Romney as that of a "cult." Brother Jeffress, who identifies himself as "evangelical," would probably subscribe to the same credo as those who marched as soldiers going to war with the phrase "Gott mit uns." The unanswered question to be asked would be if he were clad in either black or brown?
Frodo has known a number of people who happened to be Mormons. Generally, he found them to be hard-working, devout, family-oriented, in great physical shape, and the kind of people he would welcome should they move into the grounds of the Shire. Respecting their beliefs has nothing to do with any interest in content; remember, says Frodo, that was an argument put forth by those who performed the Spanish Inquisition. Perhaps they, also, were evangelicals.
Frodo finds it hard to fathom that a needle-nosed lemur like Jeffress receives any credibility whatsoever based on the argument that every one of the 16,000,000 Southern Baptists is viewed more favorably by our Maker than is Mitt Romney, or any of the others who identifies himself as Mormon. The last guy making such an argument had something to do with the words "Arbeit macht frei."
Frodo is willing to bet that Jeffress favorite singer is Hank Williams, Jr.