
Topic: "A Hobbit of an Idea"
Merry has taped four vidotape cassettes of news coverage relating to the tragedy on the Gulf Coast. Merry felt that, over time, the Orcs would distort facts in order to support their political leanings. Frodo laments the fact that we of Middle Earth are so suspicious of one another, but grudingly admits that half-truths are prevalent. During the compilation process Merry used her mind as well as her technological skill, and she asked herself, "What can we do to deal with the next catastrophe that would lessen the pain for all concerned"? A noble inquiry, to be sure.
Orcs, and those who pay attention to their ranting, regularly profess that we who are their opponents only criticize, and never offer solutions. Merry's idea is a fitting response to that assertion.
Merry has proposed "Camp Survival." A centralized location for all emergency response efforts; a clearinghouse for preparation, as well as logistical coordination during, and after. Quite simply, by way of example, a recently closed military facility would provide storage and temporary quarters necessary for dealing with a disaster comparable to Hurricane Katrina. Think how much better, dear reader, things would have gone, had there been emergency vehicles immediately dispatched to New Orleans to transport Military personnel to the affected areas. Think, also, how much better it would have been to move "refugees" to a single location, at which they could be be housed, healthcare provided, and survivor information centralized and processed.
Think, most importantly, what could happen should there develop some sort of communicable disease which strikes those who have been exposed to the toxic elements which permeate that environment. There are refugees scattered all over our land, and the possibility of a nationwide epidemic would presently be unstoppable. A point for temporary quarantine just makes sense.
"Camp Survival" may never be needed again, that is true. It may be needed for those who fall prey to Hurricane Ophelia presently adrift off the coast of South Carolina, that also is a possibility.
What is clear is that a single Hobbit has come forth with a better idea than anything proposed by anyone ever involved with the International Arabian Horse Association. It makes Frodo wonder just how much safer we are today, than we were before George W. Bush became anything more than a footnote in the annals of AA?
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:02 PM EDT