
Topic: "Bimini Babes" (3)
With the exceptions of Hawaii and Florida, every State in the Grand Union was reporting at least one temperature below 32 degrees, Fahrenheit. Frodo reminded himself of that news report when he heard that the record low this evening at Lake Lovey would fall somewhere below 9 degrees, Fahrenheit. The black-and-white is full of stories about Arctic air masses blowing into football stadiums and warnings about the amount of time it takes for frostbite to develop on unprotected derma. Frodo remembers his trip to Bimini.
Three boys from the College of the Shire piled into Frodo's Rambler Station Wagon and headed to the end of the highway. By the time they reached Valdosta, it was warm enough to open the windows. Two of them stripped almost nude, and just let the warm breezes blow across anatomical structures. By the time the Sun arose, they were beyond exhaustion and looking for girls. In Fort Lauderdale they struck paydirt.
A day or so later, a friend from the College of the Shire who was blessed by the Gods to live in Nirvana, told them about Bimini, the closest of the Bahama Islands to the US Border, and the fact that $25 would pay for a return plane ticket to this unknown Eden. A brief trip to the Blood Bank ensured that all three had sufficient resources to seek out the apple trees and serpents that surely inhabited this land where no one wore clothes. When finally they landed, and discovered that the 5-mile long island was only 50 yards wide, it did not take them long to figure out that the two roads, Kings Highway and Queens Highway, were each one way and pointing in separate directions. Their first assignment was to find the cheapest bar in town. That did not take very long.
The "End of the World Bar" had a hand-written sign afront with four misspelled words among the five total. Dear reader, it was supposed to say "Don't Spit on the floor." Frodo learned, somewhere between the fourth and fifth Mai-Tai, that the bar was a favorite haunt of two people known to him in infamy; Ernest Hemingway and Adam Clayton Powell. It was unlikely that Hemingway would appear that evening, but Frodo was thrilled to identify Adam Clayton Powell when he strolled into the bar, and promptly identified three suckers perhaps interested in providing him with free alcohol. Despite that fact, it was a hoot, and a helluva time.
Driving back up the long peninsula was done in 15-mile segments by three exhausted, and starving, college students, who drove all night just to get somehere close to the College of the Shire by the time that classes began again. Frodo cannot remember being cold again for at least another year. Tonight he wonders if anyone has ever changed the sign outside the "End of the World," or how much a Mai-Tai costs there these days.
Any current input would be appreciated.