
Topic: "Serge is Working?" (3)
"Beverly Hills Cop" was an extremely funny, and creative film. One of the characters, an interior designer by trade, was named "Serge" (pron. S-air-je). Frodo makes the homophobic comparison whenever he hears Senator John McCain (R-AZ) say "The Surge is Working." Frodo is convinced that McCain is playing "drop the soap" with the American people, and has merely proven that although he may not be not too old to be President of the United States, he is indeed too dumb.
23 American military personnel were killed in the month of December, 2007, as the result of hostile action in the Pre-Emptive War in the area sometimes called Iraq. That was a significant drop from the prior month, and from the corresponding month one year earlier. Given that the number of hostile actions similarly decreased, McCain and his political drinkers of the grape juice use this to demonstrate that they must be right, and that the logic of more troops to buy time for the "Iraqi Government" is the way to avoid "defeat."
Frodo visualizes himself standing near a podium waiting for Senator McCain. He is determined to yell loud enough for the hard-of-hearing old man to hear him, and to stay in his face until he addresses Frodo's questions. This is how Frodo would word the question.
"Senator McCain, given your statements that US Forces should remain in Iraq 'as long as it takes,' and that 'the surge is working,' would you think it fair to say that if American casualties were reduced to, say, 15 in December of 2017, and 10 in December of 2027, that 'the surge' would still be considered to be working?"
There is no standard by which this tired, old man, a once noble and courageous warrior, can justify his pronouncements. Look at the number of dead this month, January, 2008.
Hush, little baby.