
Topic: "Truckin' for Isaiah" (3)
The Brotherhood of the Ring was formed to defeat Sauron's quest for possession of the Ring itself. Destroying the Ring, by casting it into the fires at Mount Doom, was the task taken by Frodo and his friends when no one else seemed willing to step forward. Overcoming the fears of all the Citizens of Middle Earth, the Brotherhood helped to unite all of Man in a struggle against great evil. It is not to be taken lightly therefore when Frodo takes umbrage with the sanity of some of those who share our small, blue planet. The following however is a reflection of people whose clocks are wound far too tightly.
In the Old Testament, the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 35, there is a reference in the text to "God's holy highway." A group of parishoners in Texas (surprise, surprise, surprise) have determined that this reference happens to correspond in logic to Interstate 35 (I-35, as in Isaiah 35), which runs north-and-south from Texas up to Minnesota. They righteously believe that the Interstate should be legislatively addressed as the "Holiness Highway," in much the same manner that certain aspects of the Interstate Highway System are dubbed for persons, events, or other significant references. The source of this belief is that 7000 years ago God, obviously, was instructing the righteous as to what they needed to do once Texas had joined the Colonies after obtaining its freedom from Mexico. It should be noted however, that God would've been very unhappy had this occurred while Texas was in an insurgent state before the end of the Civil War.
Frodo knows about all of this because he watches CNN. Frodo believes CNN is actually the "Christian News Network," and that everything he hears there is actually the word of God. People who complain about CNN are therefore not righteous, and they will be required to spend all of eternity watching re-runs of the New Hampshire Primary.
Frodo has never followed a single lane of the sacred trail to Canada. Somehow he always looked at that direction as being God forsaken.