
Topic: "Land Ho"(8)
Richard Land is a corpulent, flatulent, obsequious, sorry-ass excuse for anything beyond the definition of what was once affectionately referred to as a "turd blossom." Frodo is not alone in his revulsion for the "ethics chief" of the Southern Baptist Convention, especially after Land was caught in the act of plagiarism.
Richard Land accused the President of the United States, and other black leaders, of shamefully exploiting the death of Trayvon Martin for purely political gain. Now, Frodo does not decry anyone's opinion, even when subjectively incorrect, as long as it adds to the judicial discourse between people who respect one another. In the case of Mr. Land however, it is clear that he may have to refer back to the spelling lesson offered by Aretha Franklin in order to project any level of respectful dialogue. Mr. Land's opinion and attack on the President it seems, was copied word-for-word from an editorial in the WASHINGTON TIMES. An editorial in which Mr. Land was not a contributor.
This overweight, obnoxious, belligerent, cowardly piece of crap did not have the courage, much less the moral compass to formulate his own words. To the credit of the "Board of Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission," of which he is Chairman, Land was reprimanded and his radio show was canceled.
Now he should be fired. And that is the opinion of one Hobbit who is worried about anyone losing a job, except for a liar. Wouldn't it be great if David Gregory had the balls to bring the toad onto "Meet the Press," and offer him some grape juice?