
Topic: "Walkin' the Walk"
It is no secret that Frodo has always admired the ladies except, that is, for the racetrack. Some of his best money documents the foolhardy confidence given to a well-turned ankle or rounded butt as it comes off the far turn. Be that as it may, Frodo finds himself admiring the fortitude shown by those he was once deemed to protect. Cindy Sheehan is a case in point.
A Cretin named Johnny W. Hall from Douglasville, Georgia, wrote an "Op-Ed" column in a recent edition of the Atlanta Journal & Constitution. Per the picture which accompanied his submission, Hall looks somewhat like Karl Rove, with stubble at various locations about his head and shoulders. Hall wrote that Ms. Sheehan "evidently thinks little of her deceased son," because of her vigil outside the Bush enclave in Lower Crawford. In typical paleolithic prose he proceeded to attack her patriotism and condemn her for giving aid and comfort to those who killed her son.
The newspaper reported the next morning that all of the first fifty letters they received the next morning condemned the Hall litany, and that none supported his comments. Remember now, this is Georgia, the reddest of the red states, from which Zell Miller launched his insane support of the Incomparable Moron. This is Georgia, the State in which there are actually people who would support Ralph Reed in his bid for Lt. Governor.
In the words of the song, "Something's happenin' here, what it is ain't exactly clear. . .," and it has to do with a Gold Star Mother on a vigil in the name of her son, a victim of the Bush War. Frodo wants to stand up and cheer, for it may have taken a lady with fortitude to launch a full frontal assault on an evil and misguided policy. The "Swift Boat Veterans" have no credibility in this argument, and as Bill Maher has said, Ms. Sheehan may have put Bush "between Iraq and a hard place."
There is no place so forlorn as West Texas. It must be very hard for her, even as more and more supporters arrive every day, to suffer in that horrible place. Frodo watches this brave lady charge around the first turn, and suddenly no opponent is kicking mud in her face. The crowd senses a strong charge down the backstretch, and Frodo is very proud that his bet is on the filly.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:33 PM EDT