
Topic: "Popeil Veg-o-matic"
There are names burned into the collective memory of Middle Earth. Names which instantly recall moments which seemingly made time stand still. John Wayne Gacy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, and Osama bin Laden are the purest of examples. Frodo, however, has a different tack for you dear reader, so please consider the following name.
John Wayne Bobbitt.
12 years ago his then-wife, Lorena, cut off his penis after an argument. His member was surgically re-attached but the marriage revealed "irreconcilable differences," and was dissolved. Lorena argued that John Wayne had abused her, and she was absolved of any blame by reason of insanity.
Frodo regrets to report that John Wayne has arisen once more, and that the pun is obviously intentional. John Wayne filed for divorce this past week from his second wife, Joanna Ferrell, following his arrest on a domestic battery charge filed by Joanna. He posted a $10,132 bond and was freed from a Las Vegas jail. It was at least the third arrest for John Wayne involving Joanna. The argument this time, it seems, was about money.
Frodo would like to re-kindle his earlier posting as Judge Frodo, if but for a single case on a single day.
"Your Honor, I am Barry Levinson, and I represent Mr. John Wayne Ferrell in this proceeding."
"Ferrell? I thought the plaintiff was named Bobbitt?"
"John Wayne Bobbitt, Sir, took the name of his wife Johanna Ferrell for discretion sake upon their marriage."
"I see. So is he going to keep the name Ferrell, even if the marriage is dissolved in this courtroom ?"
"That has not yet been determined Your Honor."
"Well, no matter I guess, but don't I note a rather consistent pattern of behavior on the part of Mr. Bobbitt/Ferrell?"
"What do you mean Your Honor?"
"Well, for one thing, his first wife accused him of physical abuse, and now his second wife has accused him of similar behavior on at least three occasions. Don't you think that is at least a little odd?"
"We feel that there are extenuating circumstances."
"Oh, and what pray tell?"
"The Plaintiff has suffered grievous physical discomfort which has resulted in uncharacteristic behavior."
"Are you trying to tell this Court that his abusive behavior relates to the fact that his first wife cut his Willy off?"
"In so many words, Yes Your Honor."
"Are you further alleging that said Willy was dismembered because she was crazy?"
"That is what a previous Court did rule Your Honor."
"The fact then remains that Ms. Ferrell did not slice the Willy if you will, ergo she must be sane. Would you agree with that Counselor?"
"Well Yes, I suppose so, Your Honor."
"On what grounds then, if I may be so bold, is the Plaintiff seeking dissolution of the marriage?"
"Well, er, my Client alleges that Ms. Ferrell was frivolous with joint assets."
"She spent all his money?"
"Yes, Your Honor."
"What does Mr. Bobbitt/Ferrell do? What is the source of his income?"
"He sells kitchen utensils."
"Not knives, I trust?"
"Well, actually, he does sell knives, autographed."
"Autographed? By Whom?"
"John Wayne Bobbitt."
"The Court will take a brief recess."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 11:29 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 11:35 PM EDT