
Topic: "As Far As We Know" (2)
Marine Corporal Phillip E. Baucus, 28, was killed in the line of duty in Iraq this past Saturday. His uncle, United States Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana), made the announcement on Tuesday.
"As far as we know," said Frodo to Sam, "Corporal Baucus is the only family member of any Member of Congress, any Justice of the Supreme Court, or of any elected or appointed official in the Adminstration itself, who has been a casualty of the Pre-Emptive War."
"As far as we know," said Sam, "his nephew was very dear to him."
"As far as we know, he will be interred in Arlington," said Frodo.
"As far as we know, the President of the United States will be on vacation at his ranch in Crawford, where he goes every August," added Sam.
"As far as we know, George W. Armstrong Custer Bush will go down in history as one of only two Presidents who failed to attend a single military funeral during his term of office," offered Frodo. Sam had a quizzical look for Frodo.
"Bill Clinton?"
"Clinton attended services for the young men killed in Somalia."
"George Washington?"
"As far as we know, Washington attended services for several military officers who had served under him during the Revolution."
"Who, then?"
"John Tyler."
"Well, as far as we know," said Sam, "Bush feels that his presence would be a 'distraction' for the family of the decedent. What was Tyler's reasoning?"
"At his Inauguration Tyler suffered exposure to the severe winter weather, caught pneumonia, and died within thirty days."
"Mister Frodo?"
"Yes Sam?"
"Do you think we could stand together for just a few moments in honor of Corporal Baucus?"
"As far as we know Sam, we will not stand alone."