Mood: sad
Topic: "Genesis Ignored" (3)
Frodo is in one of the funks of depression. It is not serious, but a reflection of disturbing news upon disturbing news. Watching "Nature" on the black-and-white last evening, Frodo observed the courage and the selfless determination of so many people working on behalf of the creatures stranded by Hurricane Katrina. Tears on his cheeks, glistening in the reflected light, praying that "Thunder" and others somehow survived. Frodo wanted to kiss the hand of a veterinarianess from Boston who forsook home and family to do what she must. Then he heard the numbers; 250,000 pets had been left behind, and 15,000 had been rescued. Save yourself a little mental exercise dear reader, that is 6%.
Michael Vick will plead guilty in a Federal Court on Monday next. He will admit and take responsibility for the interstate transit of dogs for the purposes of gambling and fighting. This plea, after initially denying any involvement whatsoever, will result in a felony conviction and time in a penitentiary. The gifted athlete will likely never play professional football again. He is evidently going to admit that he "executed" dogs who did not exhibit sufficient ardor in the ring.
Frodo once incensed a roomful of fellow graduate students when he argued that the Holocaust was not an "inhuman" aberration, rather it evidenced "humanity." Frodo said that there are so many recorded instances of terror and cruelty in the History of Man that it cannot therefore be argued that such behavior is irregular. "It is," he stated, "clear that Man accepts violence and torture as normal conduct, not insanity." Frodo gets depressed because this argument is evidenced factually, time and again. Whether it be "water boarding" or "dog fighting," there are too many arguments in support of such conduct to look upon these acts as anything other than routine.
The Space Shuttle will be passing overhead in a few minutes, since the threat of Hurrican Dean requires an earlier return. The Space Station may also be observable as a result. Frodo feels a need to peer into the heavens tonight. Maybe everybody does.