Mood: accident prone
Topic: "Let's Bake Cookies" (3)
Frodo proposed doing something a little bit different this evening. It was Frodo's suggestion to offer a brief commentary which, because of the format, would be even more nonsensical than most of his creations, then to simply quote the information which is the subject of this missive. There is very little left to say once these facts are presented. Frodo, however, has an impish quality which is enhanced by the mind-numbing stupidity of the most intelligent creatures to ever walk our small blue planet. Apologies beforehand Merry and Eowyn, and others girded for battle, humor is required when minds such as these are at hand. Pretend that it is merely James Thurber proffering his battle plan in the wars of his writings.
"The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Nashville) offers coursework in Greek and Hebrew, in archaeology, in the philosophy of religion, and--starting this fall--in how to cook and sew. One of the nation's largest Southern Baptist seminaries, the school is introducing a new, WOMEN ONLY (capitalization added without charge) academic program in homemaking--a 23-hour concentration that counts toward a bachelor of arts degree in humanities. The program is aimed at helping establish what Southwestern's president (anybody wanna wager on which side of the battle of sexes is represented by the institutional leadership?) calls biblical family and gender roles (Oh Merry, while you're up would you cut Frodo a slice of rhubarb pie?). Coursework will include seven hours of nutrition and meal preparation (farewell to 'Hamburger Helper'), seven hours of textile design and 'clothing construction', three hours of general homemaking (Eowyn, Frodo seems to have tracked some dog poop into the living room, can you clean it up?), three hours on the 'value of a child, and three hours on the 'biblical model for the home and family.'"
Even impish Frodo could not make fiction stranger than truth when neolithic hodads offer him so much material for pure satire, with just a dash of disgust. Frodo would make a contribution to her campaign effort if Hillary Clinton would enrol. Bill could take in the Grand Ole Opry while the former First Lady pulled the underwear of President Paige Patterson up over his head and tied the waist band into a knot up above his head. It would take a miracle for him to ever walk upright.