
Topic: "Case of Packy Stann"(3)
"Good Evening Mrs. Hudson, is Mr. Frodo available?"
"Of course Inspector LeStrade. I can hear him playing the violin, and I know that Dr. Sam is with him. You can go right up to his room at the top of the stairs, with a "B" on the door."
"Inspector LeStrade, how are you? And to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit this fine evening?"
"Good Evening Mr. Frodo, Dr. Sam, I appreciate you seeing me without having called for an appointment, but it is a matter of utmost urgency."
"Well, what can I do for Scotland Yard's premier Chief of Detectives?"
"Mr. Frodo, Scotland Yard has been asked to assist in the investigation of the assassination of Ms. Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. As you may know, the current government leader, Pervez Musharraf, was scheduled to run in opposition to Ms. Bhutto, and has been heavily criticized for inadequate protection for her, thereby resulting in her death. The result being that elections have been postponed, and the influence of radical ideological elements poses a grave threat to the security of a nation with nuclear weaponry."
"Yes, I understand all of that. Surely the greatest police investigative force in the World is up to such a challenge."
"Well, I'm not so sure Mr. Frodo. It seems, and few people realize, that in 1951 a similar assassintion occurred in almost exactly the same spot, and despite the efforts of my predecessors, that case was never solved."
"I see. You suspect a serial assassin? Or perhaps someone merely copying the 'success' of a murder occurring 57 years ago?"
"I have no idea Frodo, that is why I came to see you. I foresee great obstacles to be thrown in the path of the investigation, and felt that. . ."
"Perhaps I could operate out of the public eye and discover the true facts?"
"See here Frodo."
"Yes Sam?"
"Don't you think Scotland Yard is perfectly capable of mucking this up on its' own? Why should you imperil your reputation when this whole 'investigation' is merely a set-up to fail?"
"Your point is well-taken Sam, but as Englishmen we owe our service to the Queen, and right now she needs our assistance."
"Thank you Mr. Frodo."
"Not at all Inspector. Come Sam, let us allow Inspector LeStrade to go back to his duties, and we'll make preparations for our train ride to Islamabad."
Some time passes. Scene shifts from 221B Baker Street, to the Dining Car of the Darjeeling Express.
"I say Frodo, do you think we will ever get to Pakistan?"
"No Sam. I truly do not. You see, I expect that those responsible for the assassination of Bhutto will never allow us to get into Pakistan and, assuming my deductions are correct, will try to do so on this train."
"You do? Frodo, why haven't you shared this with me? Do you have any suspects?"
"Patience old boy, I did not seek to alarm you and perhaps thereby alert the culprits to our awareness of their dastardly plan."
"I see. Well Frodo, what do you suggest we do?"
"Finish your dinner, dear Sam. Don't miss the curried shrimp; they are divine."
Gives you something, other than the results of the deliberations by one-sixth of one percent of the American electorate, to look forward to when next you visit.