
Topic: "Shoot 'em, Vern"
The United States Border Patrol is protesting the assistance of the "Minuteman Patrol." The volunteers, many of whom are armed, have been accidentally tripping hidden alarms utilized by the Border Patrol to indicate illegal aliens attempting to cross from Mexico into Arizona. Quixotically named for the Patriots who were ready on a "minutes' notice" during the American Revolution, this motley crew of volunteers resembles Friday night at the "Golden Corral Steakhouse" buffet table. Sadly, few of them have ever missed a single call for chow.
Centered around the Arizona community of Tombstone, once known as the "town too tough to die," the Minutemen are acting to stem the flow of Mexican labor terrorists into the construction sites and poultry processing plants of America. Tucson and Phoenix, the largest cities in Arizona, are the jumping off spots for illegals who make their way into virtually every State in the Union in search of all things, work. Virtually 100% of the illegals are Catholic, born into a society whose dominant religion discourages birth control, and whose government is unable to provide sufficient opportunity to support the burgeoning population.
How appropriate that in Phoenix, home of the Cardinals, they are working diligently to identify a successsor to the recently-departed John Paul, who steadfastly refused to admit that his Church was out-producing the ability of our planet to feed all these little parishoners. Actually, Frodo thinks that the Cardinals are such losers that they ought to turn the election over to the Falcons, or the Packers, or even dare we say, the Patriots.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:27 PM EDT