
Topic: "Good Son"
Some years ago, Frodo purchased a computer for his Mother for her birthday. With planning aforethought he traveled to Lothlorien to install the instrument where it was to be utilized. He unpackaged it, connected all the cords, plugged it in, turned it on, and lit up the wonders of the Internet to she who was excited by the technological genius of her Son. There was a minor problem, Mom never learned to type.
It was a very long week, lo those five years ago. It seemed that each rising Sun brought Frodo the challenge of re-teaching the prior days' lesson. Given that e-mail was the prime directive, all effort was geared to the magic of Spellcheck and responding directly back to the responder, but to avoid opening attachments. For years after, Frodo has delighted barroom crowds with his spinning yarn which ended with this quotation to his Mother; "Mom, I know that potty-training me must have been hell, but after this sweetheart, we are even."
There is nuance. As Frodo was preparing another visit for another birthday, he was informed that both the monitor and the modem on the original instrument had passed on to that "Silicon Valley in the Sky." Replacing the parts is not cost-effective, so Frodo has ordered another unit, much better than the previous, and much less in cost than the original. Who says that history does not repeat itself?
I'll bet, however, that once the potty-training was completed, that Mom never had to worry about repeating it.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:27 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, April 10, 2005 9:31 PM EDT