
Topic: "Female Insurgency (2)"
Three very different women were in the news today, for three very different reasons. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-Georgia) punched out a Capitol Hill Policeman. First Lady Laura Bush (R-Upstairs at the White House) passed up a trip to Cancun. Naomi Campbell (A Whitney Houston Impersonator) beat the blazes out of her housekeeper. Frodo notes a disturbing pattern to the uneven reporting of these events by the Mass Media.
In the first instance, the Congresswoman is a divorcee who recently changed her hairstyle and regularly fails to wear the identification badge which allows her to pass through security screens on Capitol Hill. In the second instance, the First Lady quietly avoided accompanying her husband to the Mexican seaside resort famous for its' topless sunbathers. In the instance involving the single Ms. Campbell, whose talent has little to do with anything other than walking in front of other people wearing somebody else's clothes, impatience with the hired help wrought violence.
One of the ladies objected to the fact that a man failed to identify her. Another lady decided that spending time with a man was not preferable to climbing into her jammies and watching a Dirk Bogarde movie. The other lady in the news decided that physical violence is the preferred way to deal with people who displease. Frodo ponders each of these incidents. Each reminds Frodo of things going on in other parts of Middle Earth.
In Iraq, the Sunnis are miffed that they are no longer in control. They evidently feel that they are not getting the respect that they deserve, and despite their previous shortcomings, demand greater responsibility in running the country.
The Kurds feel that they have things knocked, and they don't really give a damn what the other guys do. They just sort of stand around, dish out a little oil from time-to-time, and if they get pissed they know that they don't need the other guys like the other guys need them.
The Shiites are exhibitionists. They whip themselves in religious celebration and they enjoy being on TV telling dimwit Congresspeople that they love Americans for making them free. Then they blow up Sunni mosques, kidnap and murder their political opponents, and gather together into their own protective little armies.
Iraq, Frodo supposes, is a great deal like a woman scorned. If you make her mad, she'll either cut you off, or cut you up. Perhaps this explains why this Administration has been walking around with its' zipper down.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:07 PM EST