
Topic: "Sleepy Time (2)"
The subject was wiretaps. The United States Government, specifically the Justice Department, was defending its' use of wiretaps to gather information against suspected members of "Organized Crime." Frodo was there in all his glory to observe and hear oral arguments before the Supreme Court of the United States. Frodo was sure that Vito Genovese was there, or Sam Giancana, or Carlos Marcello, or maybe Joe Bonanno had flown in from Tucson to appear before the most powerful judiciary in all the world. Frodo was unable to identify anybody, but he was very troubled by the presence of the unidentified men who seemed to watch his every move.
These men were dressed in suits, and even while things were happening before the bench, these guys were walking around and looking hard at Frodo and his Hobbit friends. Frodo tried to ignore them by paying rapt attention to the voices before the bench.
The voices were nothing more than the drone of emotionless rhetoric. There was no mellifluous rise in rhythm as emotion drove home a point. No, it was as if everybody had already said everything, and this was merely a summation for the record.
Soon Frodo's eyelids grew heavy, and his neck muscles grew weary of the support provided to his head. He began to nod off. He caught himself several times, but soon the sheer monotony of what was transpiring in that great room was more than the Hobbit could handle.
Suddenly he was startled awake by the hand of one of the mysterious men patrolling the aisles. He gasped, thinking that he was to be dragged from the room and "taken for a ride" out to the wetlands of New Jersey. As he prepared to scream for help, he noticed that the burly suit was now shaking Adelard Took, and after him, was hand on the shoulder to Milo Burrow. Soon, all of the suits were attempting to wake any of the Hobbits who all, seemingly, had fallen sound asleep.
Frodo realized that these were not "Hitmen," but US Government employees assigned to wake up anyone who drifted off to sleep while court was in session. Frodo watched, amazed, as virtually everyone, and certainly there were more than 100 persons in all, nodded off at some point in time.
Perhaps more than anyone, dear reader, Frodo understands why the lone female member of the Supreme Court fell asleep on the Bench earlier this week. It was that the particular proceeding was not too much different from the one he observed so long ago. It also says a great deal when the only woman with eight guys around her fell sound asleep in their midst. No one will ever confuse this group with Gladys Knight and the Pips.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:01 PM EST