
Topic: "MidSummer Nights Dream"(7)
There was a time in the life of the Hobbit when it seemed as if there was a new "best friend" almost each and every day. These days, that just doesn't seem to be the case. The telephone does not ring as once it did, and conversations once filled with joyous news are now the source of information that fills graveyards and breaks the hearts of those who watch, and wait. It is moments like these when Frodo remembers the wisdom of words, and searches for something creative to occupy his electrical synapses.
John Frierson, once interviewing for a position, responded to the query of the Hobbit by telling him that he had learned to cope with repetition while on duty in the North Sea. "Mr. Frodo," he said, "after I awoke, and before I began my assigned duties, I would stand by the rail until I saw a dolphin, or a frigate bird, or something I had never seen before, in order to start each day afresh, and appreciative of all the wonder that life laid before me."
"When can you start?", said the Hobbit.
Frodo thinks often of the wisdom of that young man, wounded while serving his nation, at war in jungles half-a-world-away, from his assignment in the North Atlantic, which almost ended his life without a single bullet being fired at him. Fate is the Creator of many of the great moments in life, and Frodo laments that he has allowed so much wisdom and witness to slip through his fingers, as if it were some by-product of silicon under glass. How could Frodo have allowed this fine young man to have become a mere memory?
John Frierson, and John Richardson, the white guy who became his alter ego, had both been wounded while serving in the Armed Forces. Frodo recognized both the attitude and the maturity of these young men, and, by virtue of the employment law at the time, was able to hire both for permanent employment as civilian employees of the US of A, non-competitively. Yes, dear reader, the Government did create jobs for veterans who were able to translate the complexities of tax law into speakable English.
The Tea Party lies. Government does create jobs, and it does good stuff for those who serve our country. Makes you wonder though, just whose interests they serve, and how long any one of those morons would stand alongside a ship's rail in order to find something good about our country?
John Frierson, of Nashville, if you are out there, please "phone home."