
Topic: "Bad Boys, Bad Boys"
Spring has always caused the sap to rise, and Frodo is not immune. One spring many years ago Frodo and Sam took their mid-day meal in a small park in our Nation's Capital. Pippen, always requiring more energy than Frodo, had purchased a jar of peanuts and was energizing himself for the afternoon's assault on Mount Doom (otherwise known as "the office"). Without much hesitation, Frodo and Pippen were soon joined by the world's most populous freeloaders who were not registered Republicans. Pigeons began to gather at our feet.
The assemblage of aviators grew incredibly large, and the peanuts were now the center of conflict. Pippen was amazed, then amused, when Frodo took a handful of the peanuts, rose from the bench, and began an imitation of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Pigeons, if not in the thousands, certainly in the hundreds, ambled and hovered in his wake as he motored toward "K" Street.
Pippen now joined with Frodo as we waited at the crosswalk before crossing the street, entourage following. The crossing was not without casualties from traffic, but, for the most part, nearly all the participants were in tow as we approached the front door of Mount Doom.
Through the doors, and into the lobby, the following had lessened to a hardy half-hundred or so. Pippen pushed the elevator button, the doors opened, and all the remaining peanuts were scattered into the empty elevator car. When the dozen or so had settled, the doors closed and the "Up" button was pushed.
Legend has it that the Office of Saruman was the eventual nesting spot for the weary travelers. Old ones who were there for the destruction of Mount Doom swear that pigeon eggs and nests were scattered on the ground many years thereafter.
As for Frodo and Pippen, they still tape pictures of Newt Gingrich on the bumpers of each others' car.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:32 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:14 PM EDT