
Topic: "Brother of the Ring"
Boromir and Frodo have known each other for more than 30 years. On the first day they called each other "Brother." Boromir was raised on a farm in Iowa, and it was always his dream to someday live that life again. His beef cattle farm lies just beyond the Shire in Rivendell. Not all his dreams have been achieved however, for the Viking Horde has never been more than Pretender for the Throne of Super Bowl.
Boromir has always shared Frodo's belief in Fellowship, and many hours have been spent reflecting on the price paid by those who sought to keep the Ring from Sauran. Some years ago, Boromir and the fair Galadriel journeyed to Eriador to holiday among the galleries and to walk the river known as Seine. Boromir enjoyed the Louvre for sure, but the train that ran to the Coast was too tempting for a Man of Gondor.
Frodo's friend entered the American Cemetery at Normandy, which stands above the beaches that hosted the massive invasion. "I walked among the stones in all their simple elegance, and the first one that caught my eye was a boy from Iowa," so said Frodo's friend. How striking that Frodo and Boromir would speak of one the age of our fathers as a "boy." How metaphysical a thought that that life had ended in youth as perhaps he were a son. How humbling the concept that in a prior existence, Frodo and Boromir may have fallen on that very plain.
A few days after the fighting ceased on those beaches, a correspondent from Indiana named Ernie Pyle wrote a dispatch about what he had seen. He wrote that amongst the refuse that cluttered his path he found a small Bible, and inside there was the name of an American soldier. Pyle carried the Bible with him as he walked for a half-mile or so. Then he stopped and laid the Bible back down in the sand. He wrote these words, "I don't know why I picked it up, and I don't know why I put it down."
Frodo has yet to walk that beach, in this life, but he shall. He will find the stone of that boy from Iowa. Frodo doesn't know why he feels that placing a small Bible at that spot is so important, but it is.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:58 PM EDT