
Topic: "Queen of the Damned"
Anne Rice, the incredibly macabre author of "Interview With a Vampire," could not have imagined a more appropriate character as United States Secretary of State. Her namesake, Condaleeza Rice (no relation as far as Frodo knows), travels the world and uses the bully pulpits of diplomacy as did the character Lestat, an actor on stage. Frodo feels a chill everytime she smiles and extends her hand to a willing foreign dignitary. Frodo looks at the neck of Jacques Chirac and Tony Blair to see if there are band-aids in the jugular areas.
Secretary Rice has been trying to convince the world that the United States would never do anything evil. Lestat, of course, did his best to convince his potential victims that they were merely being entertained by coming to see him on stage. Then, on their way home, he could drop out of the shadows and have a late brunch.
The Japanese have decided to keep their 500 troops in Iraq a bit longer. Frodo notices that their Prime Minister seems a bit pale. Perhaps he has a touch of Avian Flu?
Gerhard Schroeder has not been seen in public for quite some time. Evidently a woman named Merkel is now running a "minority coalition" government in Germany. The Germans will continue to aid in the instruction of the new, improved Iraqi militias.
In France there have been a simmering series of night time disturbances to protest certain government policies. Mysteriously, nobody seems to get arrested for anything, since they disappear during the day.
Ariel Sharon has apparently reversed his life-long positions on the Gaza, and has surrendered the territory to the Palestinians. Frodo notes that Sharon no longer appears in public, and that he seems to be gaining weight. Perhaps he, too, has taken a page or two from the teachings of Lestat.
Frodo could offer additional instances for consideration dear reader, however he has a sudden urge to tie a strand of garlic about his neck and to sharpen a wooden stake or two.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:23 PM EST
Updated: Friday, December 9, 2005 8:34 PM EST