
Topic: "Was Miers His Attorney?"
Frodo truly doesn't know what to believe. Is Bush really that stupid, or does he see himself as above the law? Maybe this was the same question wrestled with by Sheriff Pat Garrett when he pursued William Bonney (aka "Billy the Kid"). Perhaps it was what Elliot Ness asked himself as he built his case against Alfonse Capone. Assuredly, it must have been in the mind of Judge Sirica as he examined the evidence implicating the White House in the Watergate break-in. No matter what, George W. Bush probably needs to find himself a whole new group of legal advisors.
Perhaps the spectre of 9/11 is something that Bush must really feel defines his calling. Maybe he really feels that he has had "carte blanche" to interrogate, to eavesdrop, to imprison, with total impunity. If so, it certainly gives credence to the adage that power corrupts, absolutely. To his loyal remnant he wears a crown of thorns and carries a heavy burden.
Setting aside the specifics of the legal authority to conduct domestic surveillance, Frodo recognizes, and has no problem with, emergency action to ensure public safety on a short-term basis. Certainly within 60-90 days of 9/11 such a situation existed. But two years later? What could possibly prevent timely dialogue with the appropriate courts to seek warrants?
Bush says he had legal advice. Bush says that the Congressional leadership was apprised as required. Frodo says "So What?"
Mr. President, the law said you were to do something else, and you did not do it.
You may argue that you were exercising your authority under the Constitution. Frodo says "So What?"
Mr. President the law said you were to petition the Courts for warrants.
Frodo's question is not answered. The President was either stupid or arrogant. Frodo has no option but to inform the President of his rights.
"George W. Bush, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be made available to you without cost. . ."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:27 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:27 PM EST