
Topic: "Veto Shmetoe (2)"
"Harumph, Fellow Senators," began the politico with the pompadour, "It is my distinct privilege to announce that our grand ally the United Arab Emirates is renouncing any further involvement in transactions to protect America's ports." So stated, John Warner has pulled George Bush's nuts out of the fire.
Frodo has always found the military megalith from Virginia to be worth a stereotype or two. In the parlance of young people, he is basically a "Valley Girl." Frodo's favorite story about John Warner of the Senate goes back to a tiny community on the south-side of Virginia. It seems that a local attorney, a Republican no less, had been nominated to be the new US Attorney for the Western District of Virginia. John Warner, at the time, was either the eleventh or the twelfth husband of formerly svelte actress Elizabeth Taylor.
Warner was designated to go to this rural community and to "swear in" the new US Attorney. When Warner arrived in the VFW Hall, or the High School Gym, or the Methodist Church, or wherever the ceremony was to be held, he was staggered by the turnout. Literally the entire town, and the neighboring three counties, were all in attendance.
Warner was almost moved to tears. Speaking with ceremonial respect for the local boy made good, he went on at great length about the level of respect the community must have for this dedicated attorney.
Dear reader, one can only imagine the dribble. After twenty minutes or so, the mechanics, and the farmers, the factory workers, the nurses, and the teachers who crowded the space were getting edgy. Finally, one man could stand it no longer and he rose from his chair, pointed at Warner, and yelled, "Whar's Liz?"
When Liz was found not to be in attendance, everyone began to file quietly out of the building.
Liz divorced Warner about six weeks later.
Smart lady.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 7:55 PM EST