
Topic: "Frodo Not Foggo (2)"
Frodo sat down with a piece of paper and a pencil. It was clear that he was trying to make a list and to interconnect the facts in that list in order to make a point. It was also clear that it was a very difficult task. Peering over his shoulder, some of the following could be observed:
"1. Number three guy quits after involvement in poker games where government employees were allowed to win in order to pay for hookers;"
"2. Guy fired by Goss will re-join in order to be top deputy of Hayden;"
"3. President gives word-for-word identical endorsement speech for Hayden that he gave for Goss two years ago;"
"4. Agency has no 'human intelligence' emanating from country that was targeted as a threat 27 years ago, and subsequently named by Bush as part of "Evil Axis';"
"5. Sign outside agency HQ in Langley carries wording 'George Bush Center for Intelligence';"
"6. Goss Top Deputy in Iraq when Boss announces 'Resignation';"
"7. Senator Chambliss from Georgia known as 'Rubberstamp' for his blind obedience to Bush publicly questions nomination of Hayden;"
"8. Hayden states that had the US utilized wiretap procedures against al Qaeda, prior to 9/11, tragedy might have been averted, but no one seems to wonder why we would've been utilizing domestic surveillance at all at that time;"
"9. Goss gave up secure House seat and Committee leadership in order to re-structure CIA."
Frodo slowly pushed his chair back from the table and began to walk around the room with the paper in his hand while the TV carried the continuing string of befuddling news from around the world. He stopped when he heard the talking head say that "The President responded to the questions of his 'best day' and his 'worst day' by noting that his 'best day' was when he caught a seven-and-a-half-pound largemouth bass in his lake in Crawford. He identified his 'worst day' as 9/11."
Frodo balled up the piece of paper and threw it at the TV.
The Men of Gondor and the Riders from Rohan continue to stand before the Orcs. They have done so longer than the UN face-off against the Chinese Communists in the Korean War. They have been there almost as long as the United States remained at War with the Germans in World War II. 75% of these men believe they should withdraw by year's end.
The President believes resolution will come with his successor.
Maybe Dick Cheney should take Bush on a quail hunt?
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:23 PM EDT