
Topic: "Qwest For Truth (2)"
It is not an every day occurence when Frodo stands back and looks, admiringly, at artificial intelligence. In this case, an artificial entity, created for the purpose of doing business, has acted responsibly and in the public interest. The motivation, Frodo grants, may have been something other than pure honor, but the result is worthy of his respect. Tomorrow, should someone from Qwest Communications call Frodo and offer him the opportunity to switch his telephony services, he would suffer any financial hardship and do business with this server.
Sauron has rushed to defend another indefensible enhancement of executive authority. The information amassed under the latest abuse of power was gathered from Verizon, AT&T, and BellSouth (it should be noted that the latter two are in merger negotiations subject to Federal approval). Qwest was similarly approached to provide data and chose not to do so. It was the legal interpretation of those enacting in behalf of this articial creation that to do so would be in violation of the law.
"Law," said Frodo, "that is a very strange word, isn't it?" "It seems to carry the connotation that there is a determinant factor that goes beyond the individual judgment of any elected official, no matter what Supreme Entity has endowed that individual with authority."
Sauron, alas, has the ring. Gandalf, Aragorn and the Citizens of Middle Earth stand before the Black Gate, preparing to face the Orcs hand-to-hand. Frodo and Sam face Smeagol and every hardship in their ascent of Mount Doom. It is an ominous time. It is heartening when help comes from an unexpected source.
Thank you artificial entity known as Qwest Communications. You serve us all.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:26 PM EDT