
Topic: "Monkeys in Mississippi"
After nine years, Donald Wildmon, the Pseudo-Reverend who attaches his name to the "American Family Association" (ergo "The White Citizens Council"), has announced the end of the boycott against the Walt Disney Company. Surprisingly, this action corresponds to the departure of Disney CEO Michael Eisner, who just happens to be Jewish. Frodo is sure that there is no relationship between these random events.
The Pseudo-Reverend stated that "Boycotts have been a last resort for us at AFA, and the Disney boycott was started to address. . .the promotion of the homosexual agenda in the culture and media."
"We feel we have made our point. . .so we have decided to focus our resources on more pivotal issues related to the same concerns we had with Disney," was the justification used for declaring that Mickey Mouse is no longer gay.
Concomitantly, the Pseudo-Reverend announced a boycott against Ford Motor Company saying that the automaker has given thousands of dollars to gay rights groups, offers benefits to same-sex couples, and actively recruits gay employees. Ford responded that they provide the same benefits as DaimlerChrysler and General Motors, and that they donated $77.9 Million to a wide variety of charities. $39.6 Million to education alone, and a much smaller portion to community groups.
"Oh yeah," said T. Beauford Lott of Yazoo City, "well we don't plan to buy none of them Tauruses or Fairlanes down heah while they give money to them Saddamites," (Frodo believes he was referring to Sodom, rather than to Saddam). Frodo inquired of Master Lott as to exactly what his plan of action would entail. Master Lott informed Frodo that he would hold a press conference immediately upon his family's return from their summer vacation.
They're going to Disney World. . .in a Jaguar (now a Ford product).
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:46 PM EDT