
Topic: "Terminal? Great!"
The Senate Majority Witch Doctor has made the funny papers again. Bill Frist (R-Volunteer State)is proving to all the world that the ability to dissect a bowel, or to cauterize an artery does not carry the burden of common sense outside the operating room. For some inexplicable reason Frist refused requests for a roll call vote apologizing for past failures to pass anti-lynching laws. Then through a spokesperson he alleged that his actions were at the request of the sponsors of the bill. Both sponsors denied the allegation, and documented the fact that they requested a roll call vote.
When confronted by the denials of both Senator George Allen (R-Virginia) and Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana), things got kind of quiet in the waiting room.
Frodo notes that only 15 Senators did not go on record to sponsor the anti-lynching resolution. 14 of the 15 are Republicans, one of whom is Frist's fellow Senator from Tennessee, the very white Lamar Alexander. Also in the august group are both Senators from Mississippi, including Frist's predecessor as Senate Majority Leader (until he expressed his admiration for Strom Thurmond's Presidential credentials), Trent Lott.
Frodo asks all Americans to review the facts of the past several months regarding the performance of the non-surgical Witch Doctor. Senator Frist reviewed a four year-old edited videotape of the late Terry Schiavo, and bowed to the political wishes of his political backers, and basically proclaimed a prognosis which flew directly in contrast to all of the scientific evidence. The results of the autopsy reported today verify the impropriety of Frist's statements.
The Witch Doctor also saw fit to attempt to upend the procedural effectiveness of the United States Senate with his "nuclear option" relative to the filibuster rules. Frist's inability to manage internal affairs of the Senate was made public by an independent non-partisan group of Senators who came up with their own solution to the crisis.
This is also the financial genius who saw his own pool of campaign funds wither away due to his bad investment decisions. The same guy who wants to support the lame-brained "privatization" of Social Security funds so that others can, also, lose money.
Frodo does not have anything personal against the Witch Doctor. Frodo admires his work in "Doctors Without Borders." Frodo notes, however, that Frist has announced that he will not seek re-election to the Senate in 2006. Instead, he plans to run for the Presidency in 2008.
The only event which would strike greater fear into Frodo's heart would be for the Witch Doctor to tell Frodo that he shouldn't worry about that pain in his chest.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:03 PM EDT