
Topic: "Free at Last"
Frodo counted each of the doves, there were 10 of them. One, he supposes, for each of the counts on which Mr. Jackson was found innocent. The lady released one as each verdict on each count was announced. Frodo has always wondered what happens to all those birds.
Doves are fat and slow, sort of like prosecuting attorneys in California must feel. Doves are prime targets for hawks, cats, and hunters using shotguns. Prosecuting attorneys in California are particularly susceptible to anything covered by Court TV, Rush Limbaugh, or any network who puts attorneys on split-screen so that they can shake their head while the other is screaming. If it hadn't been for that nutcase Peterson, one would have to go back to the Gold Rush to find a case where anyone had been successfully prosecuted in California.
Frodo has never heard of "homing doves," so it is unlikely that any of the birds will ever again venture anywhere near the Neverland Ranch. Whether or not another prosecuting attorney comes into the vicinity remains to be seen?
Frodo has decided that the American legal system requires a bit of fine tuning. It is Frodo's suggestion that we appeal the Michael Jackson decision to the Supreme Court of the United States. Imagine, dear reader, Michael Jackson and Clarence Thomas together in the same room. Two former black guys, trying to decide which one is whiter. Is it the paleface or the one who walks like he has a stick up his butt?
There is the very real possibility that somebody might just pop Thomas across the head with an umbrella. Then again, the potential would exist that Mr. Jackson might actually spend a night in jail, with a roommate not of his choosing, bringing a diabolical smile to Frodo's countenance. It is hard for Frodo to accept the fact that Dr. King would have had these two in mind when he marched out of that church in Montgomery toward his rendezvous in Memphis.
Those doves are probably pigeons, painted white.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:54 PM EDT